23. Part 2 Screening assessment - What do you do with the data?
As you get to know your new students, you will find yourself collecting and analyzing all sorts of data to figure out what they can and can’t do yet. If you listened to part 1 of this topic from last week’s episode we explored the assessment options at various grade levels and the importance of collecting the data yourself. Now the big question is, “What do you do with all of this data?” That’s a big topic that we will break down into digestible chunks today.
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There are many resources you could pull from, but you may want to start here.
Try Acadience Learning (my recommendation) for screening measures: https://acadiencelearning.org/
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) https://dibels.uoregon.edu/materials
The Quick Phonics Screener https://www.readnaturally.com/article/quick-phonics-screener-sample
PAST -https://thepasttest.com/
Pick up your complimentary spreadsheet - https://www.newtsn.com/spreadsheet