It takes much more than passing a test to become a skilled teacher.
The first few years in the classroom bring constant waves of challenges that new teachers must learn to navigate.
The New Teacher Success Network will help with exactly that! If you are interested in:
*keeping your stress level in check
*spending less time lesson planning and grading
*learning how to effectively communicate with admin, colleagues, and parents
*mastering instructional best-practices so your students reach their full potential.
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Wondering if you made the right career choice?
You've heard the warnings... teaching is tough, but REALLY? There's a whole lot of garbage that can go along with your first few years in the classroom. How do you manage it all? Get support, guidance, and resources here!

And just exactly how do you teach?
There's more to teaching than writing a lesson plan. Teaching is an art based inside of a relationship with students. Yes, you have to know your stuff, but you also have to develop a vast toolkit of resources, strategies, and techniques to be successful.